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Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment

Purpose Output wastewater according to current standards; Ensure safe system operation, low processing cost Wastewater treatment service 1. Industrial wastewater treatment – Consulting on technology solutions for wastewater treatment projects at factories and production facilities; – Construction work for wastewater treatment works in industrial parks; – Supplying materials, equipment, wastewater treatment technology to partners; – […]
Clean water treatment

Clean water treatment

Purpose Design and build a clean water treatment plant to ensure safe water supply: Water quality after treatment according to standards. Capacity to meet water demand. Procedure Calculating and forecasting the water demand of the area to be installed; Selection of raw water sources for stations and factories (surface water, groundwater); Make plans, select technology […]
Renovating the clean water treatment plant

Renovating the clean water treatment plant

Purpose Water quality after renovation meets QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT standard; Increasing capacity based on the improvement and addition of technological equipment system; Procedure Assessment of current status, water quality, expected capacity; Select plans and technologies to integrate with existing systems; Construction, additional installation of equipment systems, technological pipelines; Operation manual and technology transfer; Projects we have […]